The concept of the pivot point/hinge in this story is so intriguing -- and provides a really interesting framework for looking at any life narrative. Also, this post in particular highlights the mystery thread that winds throughout your ongoing story.

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Thanks! I agree that turning points are very useful for life writing of all kinds. They mark change and provide an easy sequence, as long as they're not taken too literally, I guess.

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Reading this post makes me think about why we do any art, is it for ourselves or for others? We all want an audience, but not everyone gets one that appreciates them all the time. Looking forward to what comes next!

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Thanks, Kate! There’s some freedom in making art “for ourselves” as well as some loss. That’s another complication.

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Jun 21Liked by Victoria Olsen

But presumably he kept creating? There are so many ways to think about this turning point and how one can accept the bend in the road. It’s unfortunate that the opinions of others had that much power over his story- but sad truth about the art world is that they can and do.

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Yes, he did keep making art, and this is only one story line. He never spoke to me about this time of his life so I’m speculating—

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